Final Fantasy XIII

 Final Fantasy XIII

Inti cerita Final Fantasy XIII mengisahkan pada tiga belas abad yang lalu di dunia FF XIII, dimana zaman fantasy dan teknologi telah ada, Dan di dunia tersebut terdiri dari dua tempat yang berbeda, yakni Cocoan dan Pulse. Cocoan merupakan tempat tinggal ras manusia yang melayang di udara. Dan tempat ini diciptakan oleh sebuah kristal yang superkuat, yang digunakan Fal’Cie (sebuah ras yang bukan dari ras manusia). Namun, seiring waktu berputar, manusia mulai khawatir dengan keselamatan tempat mereka dari ancaman dunia bawah, yang dihuni oleh para monster raksasa, serangga, mutan, dsb. Tempat tersebut dinamakan Pulse

Gejala kekhawatiran manusia ini mulai bermunculan, saat beberapa manusia mulai tertular virus yang diyakini berasal dari Pulse. Maka kelompok Holy Government of Cocoon mengkarantina manusia yang telah tertular. Melihat kecemasan dan kekhawatiran para penghuni Cocoan, Fal’Cie mengutus seorang wanita yang merupakan mantan prajurit terlatih, yang bernama Lightning untuk mengemban tugas menyelidiki kejadian ini.

ff13_3Dan Lightning merupakan tokoh utama di sekuel ini. Walau dari fisiknya dia terlihat seperti wanita yang manis, tapi dia memiliki kemampuan bertarung yang cukup hebat. Dengan dipersenjatai sebuah pedang unik yang dapat berubah bentuk menjadi sebuah senapan mematikan.

Gameplay di sekuel Final fantasy XIII ini hampir mirip dengan sekuel Final Fantasy dan judul game RPG lainnya yang masih di satu atap produksi Square Soft. Di dungeon, saat karakter bertemu dengan musuh, maka di atas kepala musuh akan muncul ikon. Kalau kedua belah pihak saling berdekatan maka pertempuran pun dimulai. Pemain juga dapat menyerang musuh disaat mereka lengah, dengan mendekatinya dari arah belakang. Kondisi ini membuat pertahanan (defense) musuh menjadi lemah. Perpindahan dari layar eksplorasi ke layar pertempuran didesain dengan cepat dengan sudut kamera yang pintar. Dan waktu pertarungan berakhir, maka dilayar akan menyajikan hasil pertarungan dan rangking yang ditandai dengan jumlah bintang, mulai dari satu hingga lima.

ff13_2Untuk sistem pertarungan Final Fantasy XIII masih menggunakan sistem pertarungan RPG klasik yakni menyajikan barisan perintah aksi yang berbeda untuk masing – masing karakter, seperti menyerang, bertahan, mengunakan item, mensummon monster, mengunakan ilmu sihir, dan sebagainya. Disamping itu, sistem ATB (Active Time Battle) juga bakal ditemukan dalam sekuel ini. Secara keseluruhan, system pertarungannya boleh dikatakan hampir mirip dengan sekuel Final Fantasy VIII dan judul game Chrono Cross. Pertarungan disekuel ini juga dipoles agar berjalan dengan halus dan cepat, sehingga pemain merasa sedang menonton animasi.

Selain menelusuri quest utama dan quest sekunder, yang menjadi keasikan tersendiri dalam setiap sekuel game Final Fantasy adalah menjelajahi setiap sudut peta ataupun dungeon untuk mencari peti harta karun yang mungkin saja berisi jenis item yang berkualitas bahkan sangat langka. Yah jika pemain beruntung. Namun di sekuel ini, peti harta karunnya berbentuk bola besi.

ff13_1Tokoh – tokoh dibalik pembuatan game Final Fantasy XIII masih dengan para tokoh yang sama yang membuat game Final Fantasy terdahulu, seperti Tetsuya Nomura, Nobuo Uematsu, dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya game Final Fantasy XIII hanya dirilis untuk Playstation3 saja. Namun akhir-akhir ini berita mengembirakan muncul, dimana juga bakal rilis untuk mesin Xbox360 juga.

Biasanya Final Fantasy selalu memakan waktu lebih dari 6 bulan dari versi Jepang untuk terbit versi US dan telat 6 bulan lagi untuk Eropa. Tapi kali ini Final Fantasy XIII mendapat kepastian akan terbit serentak di Eropa dan US pada 9 Maret 2010. Hanya terpaut 3 bulan sejak rilis Final Fantasy XIII versi Jepang.

Final Fantasy XIII versi english akhirnya selesai di garap oleh SQUARE ENIX, seperti yang dikatakan Motomu Toriyama : “FINAL FANTASY XIII versi luar negeri akhirnya telah selesai dikerjakan.” Dengan selesainya pengerjaan FF XIII english ini diluncurkan Trailer Internasional versi bahasa inggris yang memperlihatkan keluwesan gerakan karakter dan animasi mulut (lip sync) yang bagus.
Final Fantasy XIII International Trailer (Lagu “Kimi ga iru kara” di replace dengan “My Hands”)

Sekarang yang jadi pertanyaan, FF XIII versi english kan direncanakan untuk terbit di Xbox 360 dan PS3. Apakah ini berarti Final Fantasy XIII versi Xbox 360 juga sudah selesai dikerjakan? Untuk PC kapan ya ?

Developer : Square Enix
Publisher : Square Enix
Genre : RPG
Platform : X360, Playstation 3
Release date : TBA 2010

Main Playable Character

    *  Lightning (ライトニング Raitoningu) — The main protagonist of the game. Lightning was a member of the Guardian Corps in Bodhum before her whole life came crashing down when her sister Serah became a l'Cie. Regretting her refusal to believe Serah, she volunteers to be Purged with the intention of saving her sister. She is an agile fighter who makes use of a variety of gunblades, the "Blazefire Saber" among them.

    * Snow Villiers (スノウ・ヴィリアース Sunou Viriāsu) — Leader of NORA, Snow Villiers is a sturdy man whose mannerism is reputed to resemble that of a cowboy. He has traveled to the Hanging Edge to fight back against PSICOM and the Purge in the hope of saving his fiancee, Serah, who has been imprisoned by the Pulse fal'Cie. Although Snow uses his fists to fight, his actual weapon is a runed coat, designed to enhance the strength of its wearer.

    * Oerba Dia Vanille (ヲルバ=ダイア・ヴァニラ Woruba Daia Vanira) — A young and spirited girl, Vanille's past is a mystery and she carries a heavy burden that the others are not initially aware of. Trying hard to get through the events of the Purge, she tags along with Hope and finds herself wrapped up in the events that take place inside the Pulse Vestige, leading to her joining the others. She wears a savannah-style outfit, and her weapon is called the Binding Rod, which has a head piece that looks like a pair of antlers. Its body contains four long wires with hooks that deal damage to enemies by latching on and pulling.

    * Sazh Katzroy (サッズ・カッツロイ Sazzu Kattsuroi) — A middle-aged man with dark skin and afro hair. He was formerly in the military, but now works as a civilian airship pilot. In the hope of saving his son Dajh, he boarded the train to the Hanging Edge and soon met Lightning who also wanted to fight back against the Purge. He owns a baby Chocobo that lives in his hair. He is described as a gentle person who is easily reduced to tears. He fights with two pistols that can be combined into a rifle.

    * Hope Estheim (ホープ・エストハイム Hōpu Esutohaimu) — A young boy with silver hair who, along with his mother, is part of the group of exiles onboard the train that Lightning stopped. His mother dies during an unsuccessful attempt by NORA to drive the PSICOM soldiers back. Blaming Snow for his mother's death, Hope follows him to try and confront him but ends up being forced to work with him and the others. Hope begins his journey with Lightning to become stronger so that he can avenge his mother's death. He wields boomerangs in battle.

* Oerba Yun Fang (ヲルバ=ユン・ファング Woruba Yun Fangu) — A wild-looking dark-haired woman with a large tattoo on one arm and a burnt-out mark of the l'Cie on the other. She first appears with Cid Raines and the Cavalry with the intention of capturing Snow in Lake Bresha. However, she has a much more complicated agenda in reality as she searches for a long-lost friend and aims to complete her Focus. Spears are her weapon of choice. 

Final Fantasy XIV

 Final Fantasy XIV

Bagi Penggemar Final Fantasy, diharap sabar menunggu sekuel ke empat belasnya. Ya, Final Fantasy XIV Online yang akan dirilis pada tanggal 30 September 2010 untuk Microsoft Windows dan Maret 2011 untuk PS3. Game ini adalah game online multiplayer role-playing yang dikembangkan dan diterbitkan oleh Square Enix. Game ini akan dirilis dalam bahasa Jepang, Inggris, Perancis, dan Jerman. Tentu saja spesifikasi untuk bisa dimainkan di PC agaknya butuh yang "lebih" plus koneksi yang handal, karena FFXIV menggunakan teknologi generasi terbaru. belum main FFXIII , eh FFIV segera keluar, apalagi online. Kali ini  hanya berharap FFXIII bisa dimainkan di PC. Mungkin nggak ya???
Teknologi yang digunakan

Crystal Tools adalah mesin game RPG yang dibuat oleh perusahaan Jepang berbasis pengembang, Square Enix, untuk digunakan di rumah. Awalnya bernama "White Engine", ini nama dalam proses pengembangan Final Fantasy XIII dan Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Ini dibangun khusus untuk membuat game generasi ketujuh. Rencana pada mulanya digunakan untuk Playstation 2 kemudian  dialihkan untuk PS3. Tetsuya Nomura, seorang officer terkenal dari Square Enix, telah menyatakan pengalihan 'dari PS2 ke PS3 jauh lebih sulit daripada PS1 ke PS2, rintangannya jauh lebih besar.

Fitur mesin paling penting adalah kualitas video real-time. Hal ini mampu memproses audio yang canggih, cutscene sinematik tanpa batas ke transisi, efek khusus perhitungan fisika real time, dan kompleks rendering, semua kualitas mendekati bioskop. Wah....jadi seperti nyata donk?

Untuk soundtrack FFXIV online dipercayakan pada komposer handal Nobuo Uematsu, Nobuo Uematsu telah menciptakan musik terutama untuk permainan video game yang dikembangkan oleh Square Enix dan Sakaguchi studio Mistwalker. Coba saja Anda dengar karya indahnya dalam Final Fantasy X, sungguh karya luar biasa, wajib Anda dengarkan (sedikit memaksa).hehe

10 Binatang Terkecil di Dunia

 1. Anjing Terkecil

Anjing yang berasal dari Massachusetts Amerika Serikat ini memegang rekor Anjing terkecil di dunia Oleh Guinness Record, dengan tinggi badan hanya 5,4 inci.

2. Ular Terkecil

Leptotyphlops Carlae adalah ular terkecil di dunia, dengan ukuran panjang 4 centimeter pada ular dewasa. Ular ini ditemukan di pulau Karibia Barbados, dengan ukuran yang kecil mirip mie dan dapat beristirahat diatas uang logam.

3. Ikan Terkecil

Ikan terkecil ditemukan di Pulau Sumatera Indonesia dengan ukuran 7,9 mm . Jenis ikan ini termasuk hewan bertulang belakang yang masuk didalam kelompok ikan Paedocypris progenetica.

4. Kuda Terkecil

Kuda Thumbelina adalah kuda terkecil di dunia yang dilahirkan di pembiakan kuda kerdil Paulus & Goessling Kay, dengan tinggi badan hanya 17 inci saja.

5. Kucing Terkecil

Dengan umur 2 tahun berat kucing ini hanya 3 pon, dan oleh keunikan beratnya yang relatif sangat kecil dibandingkan umurnya, kucing ini telah diverifikasi sebagai kucing terkecil di dunia oleh Guinness Book Of World Record pada tahun 2004

6. Hamster Terkecil

Hanya sedikit lebih besar dari ukuran uang logam, dan itu adalah hamster terkecil di dunia. Dengan berat badan kurang dari 1 ons.

7. Bunglon Terkecil

Ukuran bunglon ini hanya 1,5 inci. Ditemukan di sebelah utara pantai Madagaskar, dan untuk jenis bunglon ini betina lebih besar dari pejantan.

8. Kadal Terkecil

Kadal ini dapat tidur diatas uang logam dengan ukuran panjang sekitar 16 milimeter untuk kadal dewasa. Nama ilmiah dari kadal ini adalah Sphaerodactylus Ariasae merupakan kadal terkecil di dunia.

9. Sapi Terkecil

Sapi ini berasal dari India, dan disana disebut sapi vechur. Rata-rata ketinggian sapi ini hanya 31 sampai 31 inci. Foto diatas menunjukkan sapi vechur yang sudah berumur 16 tahun dan tampak sapi yang lebih besar adalah jenis HF dengan umur 6 tahun

10. Kuda Laut Terkecil

Unduk-unduk Kyla adalah kuda laut terkecil di dunia dengan ukuran panjang badan hselengkapnya

Seputar Indowebster



IDWS atau Indowebster yang selama ini menjadi situs bagi pakai, menurut FIANZONER merupakan satu hal yang cukup membanggakan. Selain menggunakan server lokal, download berbagai macam file seperti mp3, film, foto, software apalagi menggunakan IDM. Wow... Dijamin hasilnya memuaskan. Ada juga forum yang mengulas berbagai hal yang menurut FIANZONER sangat layak dikunjungi. Forum ini bisa memecahkan masalah kita misalnya saja seputar komputer, game atau bahkan masalah sepele. Para pengunjung/anggota saling memberikan saran yang membantu. Intinya situs ini bisa menjadi suatu komunitas yang sangat penting dalam "hidup berbagi" (sesuai FIANZONER dong...) hehehe

Yang mengagetkan, pemilik Indowebster ternyata mantan hacker yang sudah tobat. Apapun tindakannya pasti memiliki alasan yang terpenting adalah pertobatannya benar-benar tulus.  Benar kan? Berikut ini FIANZONER kutip dari Semoga menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi kita....
VIVAnews - Ia tak tahu pasti sudah berapa ribu server yang telah ia jebol. Sebagai seorang peretas, Juny Maimun memang gemar sekali masuk ke server orang. Bukan untuk mengeruk keuntungan, namun sekadar untuk mempelajari source code aplikasi, atau desain sebuah database.

Itu adalah Juny Maimun yang dulu. Pria yang kerap disapa Acong itu, beberapa tahun lalu memang aktif di komunitas 'bawah tanah' AntiHackerlink. Di kalangan peretas, ia dikenal dengan nama nick 'Bagan'.

Tapi Acong sudah tobat. Ia tak mau lagi merugikan orang lain. Sebagai penganut agama Budha taat, Acong percaya betul dengan Karma. Kini, ia tengah mengembangkan bisnisnya di bidang teknologi informasi yang tengah berkembang pesat.

"Sekarang saya cuma pingin nebus dosa," kata Acong, saat diwawancara VIVAnews di Gedung Cyber, Jakarta, Rabu 17 Februari 2010. Bahkan, ia justru menyeru rekan-rekan sesama hacker yang salah jalan, untuk insaf kembali ke 'jalan yang benar'.

Pelan-pelan, pria kelahiran Bagan Siapi-api, 29 tahun lalu itu, mengajak teman-teman cracker (hacker kriminil) untuk beralih menjadi pengusaha konten, pengembang aplikasi, atau bergabung dalam proyek-proyek yang ia kerjakan.

"Apa sih yang didapat dari aktivitas hacking?" Pertanyaan itu biasanya ia lontarkan untuk menyadarkan teman sejawat peretasnya. Sebab, Acong yakin, walau kegiatan carding (menjebol kartu kredit orang lain) bisa membuahkan hasil yang sepadan dengan harga sebuah kapal pesiar, namun hasil uang panas itu akan cepat 'menguap' tak tersisa.

Kini, Acong sibuk dengan tiga proyek yang ia jalankan. Yakni, bisnis warung internet (warnet), usaha penyediaan jasa internet (ISP), dan menjalankan situs bagi pakai file, foto, dan musik: Indowebster.

Usaha warnet sudah ditekuni sejak Acong masih kuliah di New College Stamford. Dari pertama Acong hanya punya satu warnet, kini, bekerja sama dengan rekannya, ia mengoperasikan sekitar tujuh buah warnet. Selain bisnis warnet, Acong juga memiliki ISP bernama Maxindo Mitra Solusi.

Sementara Acong mulai terjun ke dunia web saat mendirikan forum khusus bagi para pecinta game, bernama Indogamers. Di forum ini, Acong juga mendorong anggota komunitas untuk tak cuma berdiskusi, tapi juga berani membuat server game.

Kemudian, sekitar 3 tahun lalu, Acong mendirikan sebuah situs bagi pakai file bernama Indofile. Dari kocek pribadinya, Acong menginvestasikan dana sekitar Rp 50 juta untuk membeli server untuk keperluan situs bagi pakai file.

Situs ini bertahan selama setahun. Hingga pada akhirnya, Acong mengubah Indofile menjadi Indowebster. Konsepnya juga mengalami perubahan. "Indowebster merupakan perpaduan dari Rapidshare, ImageShack, dan YouTube," kata Acong.

Jadi tak sekadar mengunduh dan mengunggah file, tapi pengguna juga bisa mengunggah foto dan video di Indowebster. Ke depan Acong sedang mempersiapkan sebuah strategi baru untuk memperluas layanan Indowebster, yaitu menyediakan layanan TV internet.

Uniknya, tak seperti pengusaha web lain yang mengejar profit atau keuntungan, dalam mengelola Indowebster, Acong sama sekali tak mau menarik keuntungan dari situs web ini. Sebab, hal ini terkait erat dengan filosofi yang dipegang teguh oleh Acong: Internet adalah tempat berbagi, sehingga tak sepatutnya bila sebuah situs web mengutip keuntungan.

Walaupun tak mengkomersialkan Indowebster, Acong tak pernah takut situs itu bangkrut, karena untuk membiayai operasional Indowebster, Acong mengambilnya dari berbagai keuntungan yang ia dapatkan dari bisnis ISP dan proyek-proyek yang ia kerjakan bersama tim pengembangan mereka.

"Kebaikan yang kita lakukan pasti akan membawa feedback. Semakin kita berbagi, semakin kita akan mendapatkan sesuatu. Kenapa musti takut berbagi?" kata Acong. Buktinya, kata dia, total investasi dari perangkat-perangkat yang dimiliki Indowebster, kini sudah mencapai paling tidak Rp 1,3 miliar.

Menurut Acong, praktek berbagi yang ia terapkan merupakan pengejawantahan dari prinsip Open Source. Ia sangat mendukung penyebaran ilmu atau teknologi secara terbuka dan cuma-cuma, sehingga semua orang bisa menikmatinya.

"Kalau semua orang go open source, tidak ada orang yang kelaparan. Sebab, open source membuka peluang kontribusi kepada semua orang, tidak hanya kepada orang atau kalangan tertentu saja. Dunia akan lebih sejahtera dengan open source," kata suami dari Wiwik Huang itu.

Tip berbagi dan keterbukaannya itu ternyata tidak hanya dipraktekan pada urusan bisnis semata. Acong juga menerapkannya saat berinteraksi dengan para karyawan. Ia memberikan kesempatan yang sangat besar kepada karyawan-karyawannya untuk maju.

Alim Bachtiar, 19 tahun, adalah salah satu buktinya. Empat tahun lalu, pemuda kelahiran Boyolali itu adalah juru parkir, saat pertama kali bekerja di warnet milik Acong. Namun, Alim yang 'cuma' jebolan SMP itu, kini memegang tanggung jawab menangani core routing koneksi wireless ke klien Maxindo.

"Tak selalu membutuhkan titel pendidikan yang tinggi untuk sebuah tanggung jawab yang besar. Semua orang bisa mempelajari teori, tapi pengalaman adalah sesuatu yang paling bernilai," kata Acong.

Saat diwawancara VIVAnews, Rabu 17 Februari 2010, Alim mengatakan bahwa Acong tak pernah membeda-bedakan orang berdasarkan agama, ras, etnis, dan lain-lain. Acong sering membantu menyiarkan siaran langsung sebuah acara pengajian majelis taklim, ke situs Indowebster.

Tak hanya itu, selama ia bekerja, Alim mengaku tak pernah dibentak atau mengalami perlakuan kasar dari Acong. "Saya bangga punya atasan Pak Acong," kata Alim. Tak terbatas urusan kerjaan, Acong bahkan juga kerap menjadi sasaran curhat Alim, saat ia sedang ada ma selengkapnya

10 Situs Lokal Indonesia Paling Sering Diakses

Jakarta – Pertumbuhan industri internet di Indonesia makin hari semakin maju. Seiring dengan itu, pertumbuhan pengguna dunia maya tersebut juga berkembang sangat pesat. Diperkirakan lebih dari 20 juta pengguna internet ada saat ini, baik berlangganan maupun tidak.
“Perang” antar antar produsen dan merek telepon genggam diikuti promosi jor-joran antar operator seluler juga turut andil mempercepat pertumbuhan pengguna internet di tanah air.

Terkait dengan itu, situs lokal juga tidak kalah tumbuh sangat menggembirakan. Baru-baru ini, Masyarakat Internet Indonesia (Master), sebuah lembaga survey yang didirikan awal Tahun ini merilis 10 situs lokal Indonesia yang paling sering dikunjungi para netters.

Situs berita ternyata juga mengalami pertumbuhan yang cukup signifikan, dari survey tersebut, 10 besar situs lokal hasil survey sebagaian adalah situs berita. Detikcom yang dikenal sebagai salah satu perintis situs berita Indonesia masih menempati urutan tertinggi pertama disusul yang juga situs pada urutan kedua.

Selengkapnya 10 besar situs lokal tersebut berdasarkan urutan adalah: 
1. Detikcom
3. Kaskus
4. KlikBCA
5. Okezone
6. Vivanews
7. Kapanlagi
8. Bankmandiri
10. (okezone)

Dari 1000 orang yang disurvey, 15 persen responden mengaku mengakses situs berita, mengakses blog 14 persen, dan lakukan chatting 13 persen. Sementara mencari informasi adalah kegiatan tertinggi yang dilakukan netter dalam mengakses situs yakni 27 persen. FIANZONER thanks to 

sedikit tentang anime....

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru

Sakurai Yuki is a mysterious boy with a mysterious power. Right after he was born, his mother left him near an orphanage, and he was later found. Because of that event, Yuki strives for independence. He hates being a burden to anyone near him, but at the same time, he is afraid of being left alone. Moreover, ever since he can remember he had a strange ability where when he touches others, he can feel their emotion. Unable to control it, he often made insensitive blunders in the past. He later meets with a mysterious yet beautiful man who saves his life, but somehow he feels so nostalgic, like he's met him before. While death threats and his ability increasing, a man who claimed to be his older brother suddenly appears, so what will Yuki do when he learns the truth?



Yuki Sakurai (Giou) (桜井(祗王)夕月 Sakurai (Giō) Yuki?) Voiced by: Hoshi Souichirou
The bearer of Kami no Hikari (神の光 (The Light of God)?) or "God's light". The main protagonist, and a freshman in high school. His mother left him at birth in order to protect him and he has been living in Asahi Orphanage. Sometimes, when he touches someone, he's able to read that person's emotions and see that person's past. It caused him to suffer greatly, but he has unexpectedly grown into an unyielding individual. He didn't have any recollection of his past life, but he feels an odd nostalgia for Luka, and ends up relying on him. After he leaves the orphanage, he's been referred to as "Giou Yuki." Yuki has been reincarnated many times, however this is the first time he was born male. It has been mentioned this may be a sign that things are coming to an end or that he wants to forget the past.
Zess (Luka Crosszeria) (ゼス(ルカ=クロスゼリア) Zesu (Ruka Kurosuzeria)?)Voiced by: Sakurai Takahiro
A young man with silver eyes and black hair who's been protecting Yuki from the shadows ever since his birth 15 years ago. Despite being a duras (a.k.a demon), he's currently acting on Giou Clan side and is recognized as a traitor by the other Duras. Although his real age is unknown, his appearance looks like that of a college student. Normally reserved and indifferent, his facial expressions softens when he's with Yuki. It was during the last war that he changed side to the Giou Clan, as he apparently made a binding "contract" with Yuki. Luka is a descendant of the "family of sinners" (Zess) and a high-grade demon (Opasts). Luka battles with a large black sword and can use powerful magic (and even summon a powerful Salamander dragon).He was once the loyal dog for the demon king and used to drink his blood, that's why he is stronger than any opasts and it's possible that he is stronger than the demon king himself. But he left his position as the loyal dog for the demon king after meeting Yuki ( Yuki when he was still a woman ) so it was during the previous battle he met Yuki and feel in love with her and so did she. The current Yuki doesn't remember being lovers with Luka but every time he sees him his heart goes pounding like crazy.
The manga suggests a bit of a darker history. Luka tells Yuki he was considered a slave because he belonged to the "sinner" clan Crosszeria, and so all the duras were intent on punishing the whole family and all it's descendants. The demon king owned Luka and as a symbol of this, put his own blood into Luka's brand that made it glow red and caused Luka great pain during the process, and years later, Luka is still haunted by the memory. Because it was a blood seal, if he should betray the demon king, then he would die, but due to making a new contract with Yuki, the previous one to the demon king was voided, which allowed him to live.

Zweilt Guardian

Tsukumo Murasame (叢雨九十九 Murasame Tsukumo?) Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama
The bearer of Kami no Mimi, God's Ears. A high school boy who appears to Yuki along with his sister at the start of the story. He is one of the Zweilt Guardians and also part of the Giou Clan, making him and his sister Yuki's distant relatives. His powers seem to be the ability to speak with animals, sense people, and transform his ring into a gun during a battle. For some reason he always has snacks with him. He seems to be extremely close with his older sister Toko, whom he calls Toko-chan and says he will always protect. He was severely injured by Reiga in episode 10, but Yuki managed to heal him.
Toko Murasame (叢雨十瑚 Murasame Tōko?) Voiced by: Inoue Marina
Tsukumo's older sister, Yuki's relative and also a Zweilt guardian. Her ring transforms in a huge sword. She attends the same high school as her brother, where their closeness make all the girls jealous of her. She is very fond of Yuki (whom she calls Yuki-chan), telling him that "He is a person who is too kind for their own good" and asking him to refer to her in a more close way (Touko-chan) instead of calling her Touko-san.
Hotsuma Renjou (蓮城焔椎真 Renjou Hotsuma?) Voiced by: Ono Daisuke
The bearer of Kami no Koe, God's Voice. Hotsuma is one of the Zweilt guardians, and he can use fire as he likes. He is short tempered and impulsive. He has been friends with Shuusei since childhood. At first he dislikes Yuki, since he thinks that he has the same personality he had in his previous life (which may indicate that he used to be on bad terms with female Yuki), but with time it seems that he grows somewhat close to him. He was basically abandoned by his parents who labeled him a monster, and the only time they come see him is whenever they need money. Hotsuma's past was shadowed by his fire abilities, and while protecting a classmate, he ended up attacking a few of his classmates, which isolated him from everyone else. Afterwards, he attempted to kill himself, but Shuusei stopped him, giving Shuusei the burn scar. Hotsuma constantly blames himself for Shuusei's scar and is scared of hurting someone, but Yuki is able to calm him.
Shusei Usui (碓氷愁生 Usui Shusei?) Voiced by: Miyano Mamoru
The bearer of Kami no Me, God's Eyes. Shuusei, also part of the guardians, is Hotsuma's childhood friend. He helps the police in solving crimes with his "sixth sense". He seems to be a quiet and sensitive person. He has a tendency of not eating a lot most of the time, as he doesn't have much of an appetite. He disappears suddenly, after seeing that Hotsuma was on better terms with Yuki, stating that he has 'served his purpose' and recognizes the fact that Yuki was able to shatter Hotsuma's fears of being a monster. Then he is kidnapped by Ashley and put into a deep sleep never to wake again. Later on though, hearing Hotsuma's voice pleading for them to live together, he awakens.
Kuroto Hourai (蓬莱 黒刀 Hourai Kuroto?) Voiced by: Kamiya Hiroshi
A professional shogi player prodigy who is very quiet and serious by nature. But, once he decides to do something he'll put full effort into doing it even if it means quitting something he loves e.g. shogi. He gained a love for Shogi after he was taken in by Senshirou's grandfather. He lost his original partner during the previous war and Senshirou is now his second partner.
Senshirou Furuori (降織 千紫郎 Furuori Senshirou ?) Voiced by: Hino Satoshi
A zweilt-in-training and is a klutz by nature. He is Tsubaki's fiance by an arranged marriage decided by the family and decided to become a zweilt after his grandfather was killed by the Opast Cadenza whilst protecting him and Kuroto. He has a love for calligraphy.

Giou Clan

Takashiro Giou (祇王 天白 Giou Takashiro?) Voiced by: Koyasu Takehito
Takashiro is first introduced as Yuki's older half-brother. When he meets Yuki for the first time, he tells him that he and his father had been looking for him ever since his birth fifteen years earlier. He is also the head of the Giou clan. Although it is not yet revealed, Takashiro seems to be hiding something from Yuki and the rest of the Guardians. The truth is he preformed a forbidden ritual that allowed him to take a dura into his body. Because of this he, unlike the other Zweilt Guardians, has not been reincarnated. Instead he has lived for a thousand years, remembering everything, including how the war with duras first began. He also heals almost immediately after being injured. He believes that in order to win the war, there have to be sacrifices. He possesses a magic book much like Kanata, although his is red. It has been told that Reiga was his friend. He is also the one responsbile for continually causing Yuki and the Zwielt to reincarnate so they can continue fighting Reiga. He then apologizes for lying to Yuki, telling him that he is not really Yuki's brother, but Yuki forgives him, telling him that despite that, Takashiro is still very important to him.
Tachibana Giou (祇王 橘 Giou Tachibana?) Voiced by: Miki Shinichirou
The curator at Twilight Mansion and a member of the Giou clan. Tachibana has an upbeat personality and likes to keep conversation going.
Isuzu Fujiwara (藤原 彌涼 Fujiwara Isuzu?) Voiced by: Narita Ken
Isuzu is the Giou's family doctor who works full time at the infirmary located at Twilight Mansion. Isuzu is known for passing out for various days from lack of sleep, which is caused by his sleepless and restless nights of researching the subject of duras. His words and actions about treatment come out as perverted whether or not he is aware of it. He is fascinated by Duras and always wants to examine Luka.


Wakamiya Kanata (若宮奏多 Kanata Wakamiya?) Voiced by: Ishida Akira
A childhood friend of Yuki, who grew up with him in the orphanage. Yuki considers him to be like an older brother figure to him. He carries the "Book of Raziel." Kanata frequently asked Yuki to come live with him and appears to be against Yuki's residence in the Twilight Mansion. He mysteriously appears in Ashlely's town and begs Yuki to leave and go live with him, which Yuki declines to. Afterwards, Kanata's eyes seem to turn silver, and his appearance looks very similar to Giou Reiga's. He is actually Reiga's reincarnation. Kanata is revealed to be half human, half duras. Due to an -as of yet- unspecified incident involving fire, he has come to hate humans and desires their destruction.
Yuki (Previous Life) (ユキ(前世)?) Voiced by: Yukana
Ibuki Shikibe (式部 為吹 Shikibe Ibuki?) Voiced by: Yuri Amano
Takashiro's talented secretary. Ibuki is also the sister of Tsubaki. She is also Yuki's aunt on his mother's side.
Tsubaki Shikibe (式部 椿姫 ShikibeTsubaki?) Voiced by: Hōko Kuwashima
She is Ibuki's younger sister and one of Yuki's aunts on his mother's side.She also hates men, with an exception to Yuki.
Fuyutoki Kureha (呉羽 冬解 Kureha Fuyutoki?) Voiced by: Kenji Hamada
The butler of the main residence of the Giou clan.
Aya Kureha (呉羽 綾 Kureha Aya?) Voiced by: Sayuri Yahagi
Although not much is yet revealed about Aya, Aya takes care of those in the Twilight Mansion. She is also the younger sister of Fuyutoki.
Katsumi Tooma (遠間 克己 Tooma Katsumi?) Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto
Katsumi is a full time cook at "Twilight Mansion" and a world class chef.
Masamune Shinmei (神命 正宗 Shinmei Masamune?) Voiced by: Shintarō Asanuma
He is a member of the Giou clan and is a necromancer in training.


She is an Opast who was responsible for the "Sleeping Beauty" syndrome and the abduction of male students. She likes good looking guys and has a legion of low class duras that look like dolls at her command.
She is also a General class opast who claims to be in love with Zess(Luka).
He is a general class opast who killed Kuroto's previous partner, but left Kuroto alive. Then after Kuroto was reincarnated and taken in by Senshiro's grandfather, Cadenza returned and killed the old man whilst he protected Senshiro and Kuroto. They now both want Cadenza dead. He is also known as the "Master Killer" due to his reputation of turning on the person who summons him.


Sōta is a 16-year-old high school student recruited by Poplar, an undersized 17-year-old high school student, to become a new employee at the family restaurant Wagnaria where she works. He is enamored by cute things and thus favors Poplar over the other employees due to her cute appearance. He usually finds his co-workers and the rules of the restaurant to be strange, but he still has an attachment to his job.

Sōta Takanashi (小鳥遊 宗太Takanashi Sōta?)
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura(drama CD), Jun Fukuyama(anime)
The main character of Working!!, Sōta is a 16-year-old high school student recruited by Poplar to become a new employee at the family restaurant Wagnaria. He is enamored by cute things and thus favors Poplar over the other employees due to her cute appearance. He voices his thoughts out loud and occasionally offends his co-workers, often resulting in him getting punished by them. He usually finds his co-workers and the rules of the restaurant to be strange, but he still has an attachment to his job. He is able to adapt quickly to his job at the restaurant. He has three older sisters and it is because of them that caused his dislike for older women as he had been tormented by them all his life. He received hand-me-downs from his sisters when he was young, giving him the appearance of a little girl. He also has a younger sister in elementary school who is almost as tall as he is. Despite his problems, Inami asks Sōta to cross-dress, using the name Kotori, when her father comes to visit her at work.
Poplar Taneshima (種島 ぽぷら Taneshima Popura?)
Voiced by: Mai Kadowaki (drama CD), Kana Asumi (anime)
Poplar is a short 17-year-old high school student who works at Wagnaria. Ironically, she was named after the poplar tree so that she would grow tall. She is a hard worker, but she sometimes makes clumsy mistakes in her job. She is very sensitive about her small appearance; many customers usually mistake her to be younger than she really is. She often fails to gain respect from Sōta, who is one year younger than her, as he usually regards her as an elementary school student. She is also unable to properly call him by his surname, saying "Katanashi" rather than "Takanashi", even when corrected. She admires Kotori, Sōta's cross-dressing persona, and the Takanashi sisters because of how tall all of them are.
Mahiru Inami (伊波 まひる Inami Mahiru?)
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (drama CD), Saki Fujita (anime)
Inami is a timid, 17-year-old girl who joins the rest of the employees at Wagnaria. She has androphobia and is thus terrified of men; she punches any male that comes near her. This violent behavior arises from her belief that every man is ready to attack her, but instead she is prone to violently attacking men at a moment's notice due to this fear. This androphobia was caused by her father who did not want her to eventually wed due to jealousy and thus told her that males would attack her, which ended in her fearing men since then. As she and Sōta usually share shifts, he takes the brunt of her attacks. However, she makes considerable progress with her fear of men by taking it out on Sōta; she states that she is able to be about two meters close to guys without having the urge to hit them. Though this extends to only having fairly civil conversations (often ruined by Sōta's rudeness) or if Inami launches an attack on him. She wears a hairpin in her hair, which she changes every day due to Sōta's compliment on it (according to Sōma). At first she begins to develop a crush, but later she falls in love with Sōta when he confronts her father (as Kotori) about her androphobia.
Kyōko Shirafuji (白藤 杏子 Shirafuji Kyōko?)
Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (drama CD), Kumiko Watanabe (anime)
Kyōko is the manager of Wagnaria. She usually maintains a rather apathetic attitude about how the restaurant is run and almost never bothers to do any work herself. She is not beyond using violence to deal with unruly customers and firmly believes that employees come before the customers, as the employees are the ones doing all the work. She is 28 years old, but she becomes despondent whenever her age is mentioned. Kyōko saved Yachiyo as a little girl from bullies, which is how they met.
Yachiyo Todoroki (轟 八千代 Todoroki Yachiyo?)
Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (drama CD), Eri Kitamura (anime)
Yachiyo is another employee at the restaurant and is 20 years old. She usually carries around a katana which, according to her, was made by her parents who used to be blacksmiths. Yachiyo is unaware that some of the customers, and even Sōta, are intimidated by her blade. She admires Kyōko considerably. She gets angry if anyone offers Kyōko food or tries to take her away, although is willing to allow Satō to feed her because she considers him trustworthy, much to his chagrin. Yachiyo is very close to Satō, as she has worked with him the longest and considers him her closest friend, though is unaware of his feelings for her. She is often addressed as "Chief" by Sōta.
Jun Satō (佐藤 潤 Satō Jun?)
Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima (drama CD), Daisuke Ono (anime)
A 20-year-old chef who works in the kitchen, Jun is a helpful but intimidating individual. He is in love with Yachiyo, though does not express it. Of course, because she is so devoted to Kyōko, she fails to recognize any hints he attempts to make. He likes to take out his anger on Poplar by messing with her or bending the truth, to which Poplar naively believes. When Sōma tries to help with Satō's development with Yachiyo, Jun unrelentingly hits him with a pan, showing that he is sensitive about his feelings for Yachiyo.
Hiroomi Sōma (相馬 博臣 Sōma Hiroomi?)
Voiced by: Yoshinori Fujita (drama CD), Hiroshi Kamiya (anime)
Another chef who works in the kitchen, Sōma is a young man with an easygoing attitude. He often blackmails other workers to do his job for him and pass it off as a form of modesty from the other employees. He can blackmail anyone except Satō and Inami; the former usually responds to his blackmail with hitting him with a frying pan and the latter punches him even before he manages to talk to her. He is terrified of Inami's urges and is thankful for Sōta's existence in the restaurant since Inami is taking out her urges all on Sōta and not him. His biggest weakness appears to be crying girls. Moreover, Yamada has been the only person to ever backfire his blackmails, leaving him depressed.
Aoi Yamada (山田 葵 Yamada Aoi?)
Voiced by: Kana Ueda (drama CD), Ryō Hirohashi (anime)
Aoi is a mysteriously, self-proclaimed 16-year-old girl who Otoo meets on his travels to find his missing wife. He brings her back to Wagnaria where she starts working as a waitress and lives in Wagnaria's attic. While she has great confidence in herself, during work she is an unhelpful troublemaker who gets yelled at by other staff members, especially Sōta. Since she is in training, her position among the staff is low, which she complains about. She is bad with dealing with Sōta's constant complaints about her, but she does write down some of his suggestions (along with idle complaints). She yearns for the idea of having a family, especially towards Otoo whom she sees as an ideal father figure, and goes as far as to apply to be adopted by him. She is also rather childish and does not like to (in her view) to be "left out", in that sense she goes so as far so as to ask Kyōko to drive her home (even though she "lives" at Wagnaria) or ask for Sōma to poke her, as he and Satō poked Inami and Poplar. Her favorite food is nattō.
Hyōgo Otoo (音尾 兵吾 Otoo Hyōgo?)
Voiced by: Daiki Nakamura (drama CD), Jōji Nakata (anime)
Otoo is the top head of the restaurant. Most of the time he is away searching for his missing wife, but periodically returns to Wagnaria to check up on things and bring back souvenirs.
Maya Matsumoto (松本 麻耶 Matsumoto Maya?)
Voiced by: Akiko Kawase
Maya is an 18-year-old glasses-wearing girl who works at Wagnaria. She professes that she is a "normal person" striving to be completely ordinary in work and life in general. She has a hard time understanding the other employees seeing how awkward all of them are and tries not to be too familiar with them. The irony is that because she tries too hard to be "normal", she ends up being pretty weird herself.


Based on Idea Factory's romance adventure game: Yukimura Chizuru has come to Kyoto looking for her father, a doctor who has gone missing. While there, she witnesses a fight between Rasetsu and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody, the Shinsengumi debates on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. The Shinsengumi then takes Chizuru along on their search after the missing doctor, from adventures to adventures.


 Chizuru Yukimura (雪村千鶴 Yukimura Chizuru?)
Voiced by: Kuwashima Houko
Chizuru is the main protagonist. She came to Kyoto in search of her missing father, Kodou Yukimura (雪村綱道Yukimura Kodou?), a Dutch-educated doctor who is skilled in Western medicine. Her father is the one who, on orders from the Shogunate, developed the "ochimizu", a potion which increases the drinker's healing abilities, speed, and strength but which also possesses an unfortunate side-effect of turning the drinker into a mindless, vampiric monster. In the beginning of the series, she is seen being chased by two men, who were suddenly attacked by a rasetsu. She witnesses Hajime Saitou kill off the rasetsu and is then taken to Shinsengumi headquarters by Toshizo Hijikata where they allow her to stay, because they too were in search of her father. Chizuru herself also has a secret; she is in fact a pureblood member of the "oni-ichizoku" (the Demon Clan). Chikage Kazama is after her to make the strongest oni. If a pure-blood or the strongest oni mate, they make an even stronger oni; even stronger than their two parents.
Toshizo Hijikata (土方歳三 Hijikata Toshizo?)
Voiced by: Miki Shin-ichiro
Hijikata is the vice-captain of the Shinsengumi and makes most of the Shinsengumi's decisions. He is called "Oni-fukuchou" (Demon Vice-Commander) and is both feared and respected by his men. He is also often referred to as "Toshi" by Kondou. Hijikata is the one who brought Chizuru back to Shinsengumi headquarters the night she witnessed a rasetsu on the loose that began to attack two men chasing her. He is responsible for her welfare. He acts as if it is to his dismay but he does care for Chizuru's safety, as he is often shown protecting her during battles. He is based on the historical Hijikata Toshizō.
Souji Okita (沖田総司 Okita Souji?)
Voiced by: Morikubo Shotaro
Okita is the First Unit Captain and a brilliant swordsman. He suffers from tuberculosis, and is later visited by Nagumo Kaoru who gives him a bottle of "ochimizu" which he takes so he can "cure" his tuberculosis. Though it appears Okita is later killed in the story, even though he had taken "ochimizu" He is seen in the ending theme in episode 12 on board the boat. From the ending theme footage he appears to be alive, but very weak and in need of help standing; from this we can assume "that medicine" failed to "cure" him. He is based on the historical Okita Sōji.
Isami Kondou (近藤勇 Kondou Isami?)
Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa
Kondou is the commander of the Shinsengumi. He is very emotional and cries easily. Despite this, he has the trust, respect, and loyalty of his men. Later in the story, he is assassinated. He is based on the historical Isami Kondō.
Keisuke Yamanami (山南敬助 Yamanami Keisuke?)
Voiced by: Tobita Nobuo
Also known as "Sannan-san" (based on an alternate reading of his surname), he is the bespectacled captain of the Shinsengumi. Both a scholar and a ruthless tactician, he is kind and caring, albeit a bit reserved. After an injury which resulted in him being unable to use his sword arm, he has become cold and suspicious of others. Hope of regaining the use of his arm has led him to drink ochimizu, which he had spent time to research and improve on so the side effects wouldn't kick in; he is the first of the characters introduced to do so. He is based on the historical Yamanami Keisuke.
Shinpachi Nagakura (永倉 新八 Nagakura Shinpachi?)
Shinpachi is the 2nd division captain of the Shinsengumi. He is usually very cheerful, especially when he is with his comrades. Shinpachi is especially close to Harada and together they often pick on Heisuke. He is very skilled with the sword, but he is also a true alcoholic and womanizer, as he is seen to break curfew one night and was out drinking. He is based on the historical Nagakura Shinpachi.

Sanosuke Harada (原田左之助 Harada Sanosuke?)
Voiced by: Yusa Kōji
Harada is the Tenth Unit Captain and prefers the spear to the sword, but he is seen carrying both. He is based on the historical Harada Sanosuke.
Heisuke Todo (藤堂 平助 Toudou Heisuke?)
Voiced by: Hiroyuki Yoshino
Heisuke is a young member of the Shinsengumi. He is around the same age as Chizuru. He later leaves Shinsengumi, following Itou along with Hajime Saitou. He too has taken "ochimizu" to recover from injuries. He is based on the historical Tōdō Heisuke.
Hajime Saito (斎藤 一 Saitou Hajime?)
Voiced by: Toriumi Kōsuke
Saito is the leader of the third squad and a master of the left hand sword technique. He is silent and a taciturn but also very loyal, polite, and wise. He often analyzes the situation before attacking to figure out which actions are necessary to complete the mission. He is based on the historical Saitō Hajime.
Kaoru Nagumo (南雲薫 Nagumo Kaoru?)
First seen as a lovely dressed young woman who looks a lot like Chizuru, Kaoru is actually an Chizuru's twin brother (meaning he too is an oni) who was separated from her during childhood. He likes to dress as a woman but is seen as a boy near the end of the story. He also wants to make Chizuru suffer because when they were separated, he was taken in by the Nagumo family who treated him very badly for not being a female oni and that Chizuru forgot about him and that she had a twin brother; he wants Chizuru to feel the pain he had.
Chikage Kazama (風間千景 Kazama Chikage?)
Voiced by: Kenjirō Tsuda
Member of the Bakumatsu, enemies of the Shinsengumi. He is part of the Oni clan and is after Chizuru so they can mate and create stronger oni.

Angel Beats!

Angel Beats! takes place at a high school acting as a Purgatory, where students learn to give up any lingering attachments they still have from life beforecontinuing to an afterlife or reincarnation. While the injury or cause of death are gone, those in the afterlife school can still feel pain or other things as they did when they were alive, as well as dying again, only to awaken with no injures several minutes later. The story follows the main protagonist Otonashi, a boy who lost his memories of his life after dying. Upon awakening in the afterlife, he meets a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the Shinda Sekai Sensen (SSS) (死んだ世界戦線?, lit. Afterlife War Front), an organization she founded and leads which fights against God for the cruel fates the SSS members experienced in life. Their only enemy in the world is the school's student council president Angel, a being with supernatural powers who fights against the SSS. Yuri believes that anyone who follows Angel's orders and behaves like a normal student at the school will eventually disappear and pass on. However, those who fulfill their dreams in the afterlife will pass on as well.
In the SSS, there are two sub-divisions which help in the SSS's operations against Angel. The first is a four-girl band named Girls Dead Monster whoseobjective in the SSS is to cause a diversion from other activities the SSS is engaged in, while on the surface appearing to be a normal all female band. This includes distracting Angel and a large number of "normal" students and teachers at the school Yuri deems "non-player characters" as they are not human, but look and act the part. Another organization in the SSS is the Guild, located far below the surface of the afterlife world, which serves to supply the weapons the SSS uses against Angel. Anyone in the afterlife is able to create anything out of dirt that they had memories of in life, and the Guild uses this ability to mass produce weapons.
Angel uses a similar ability to create her supernatural powers known as "guard skills", with the aid of a computer program called Angel Player. The primary one that she uses is called "hand sonic", a blade on one or both forearms that is capable of changing into five different forms. Other skills include but are not limited to: "distortion", an invisible barrier that deflects bullets or other projectiles away; "delay", which creates an after-image to disorientate an enemy in close range; and "harmonics", where a clone with a consciousness of its own is formed from the original. These abilities are activated by voicing their name; however, others like "overdrive", which gives her great physical strength, are passive and are always on.
The Guild is purposefully destroyed after Angel infiltrates the compound, but the Guild members relocate to the old Guild location, which Angel does not know about. As Otonashi begins to get used to life in the afterlife, the leader of Girls Dead Monster, Iwasawa, disappears in front of a crowd of people after a solo musical performance. The SSS find out Angel's real name is Kanade Tachibana, and after a successful operation, Kanade loses her position as student council president and the vice president Naoi succeeds her. Unlike Kanade, Naoi cracks down on the SSS and even uses powers ofhypnosis to control NPCs to fight for him. Otonashi is able to stop him after acknowledging Naoi's existence and Naoi subsequently joins the SSS. Otonashi regains his memories with the aid of Naoi's hypnosis and agrees to continue with the SSS.
With Kanade a normal student now, Otonashi befriends her and invites her to join in on SSS activities. Kanade uses one of her powers to clone herself while engaged in combat, resulting in a violent red-eyed Angel. The clone replicates itself many times, but the clones are later absorbed back into Kanade after Yuri rewrites the Angel Player program. Kanade manages to overcome the personalities of the violent clones after awakening from the ordeal. Otonashi starts cooperating with Kanade to help the other SSS members move on after he fully remembers the details of his life and death. Kanade is reinstated as student council president in accordance with their plan. Otonashi and Kanade cooperate to allow Yui to pass on by fulfilling her wishes, but it is Hinata in the end who fulfills her final wish to get married that allows her to pass on.
Mysterious shadow monsters appear and begin attacking the SSS. Takamatsu gets devoured by one, only to reappear as an NPC. Otonashi reasons with the other SSS members and many of them agree to pass on in lieu of becoming an NPC, including the rest of Girls Dead Monster, Chā, and several unnamed members. Yuri notices that the NPCs are turning into the shadows, and her investigation into who is behind this leads her back into the Guild. After receiving help from Otonashi, Kanade, Hinata and Naoi, Yuri meets a boy who tells her he was programmed to activate the shadow program when love was detected in the world. The programmer himself turned into an NPC long before. Yuri destroys the computers responsible for the shadow program. Three days after the incident, Otonashi, Yuri, Kanade, Hinata and Naoi are the only ones yet to pass on. They hold a graduation ceremony where they thank each other for their support. After Naoi, Yuri and Hinata pass on, Otonashi learns that Kanade's regret was not being able to thank him for the heart she received from Otonashi after his death. Otonashi is heartbroken after she thanks him and passes on, as he has fallen in love with her, but he too passes on shortly after. In an epilogue, Otonashi and Kanade meet again in the real world.

Kaicho wa Maid sama! (lit. The Student Council President is a Maid!)

Seika High School, once an all-boys school notorious for its wild students and for generally being a terrifying place for girls, has recently become a co-ed school. With the female population still a minority and living in fear of the over-the-top antics of the males, Misaki Ayuzawa takes it into her own hands to reform the school and allow the girls to feel safe in the rough environment.
Training, studying and even becoming the first female student council president of the school, Misaki has gained a reputation among the male students body as an uptight boy-hating dictator and as a shining hope for the teachers and fellow female students. However, despite her tough-as-nails appearance, she secretly works part-time at a maid cafe in order to support her family. Unfortunately, her hard-earned reputation is threatened when the popular, attractive, and somewhat impassive Usui Takumi takes an interest in her after discovering her in a maid uniform after school.

Eden of East

On November 22, 2010, ten missiles strike against uninhabited areas of Japan, claiming no victims. This apparent terrorist act is referred to as "Careless Monday" and disregarded by most people. The series begins three months later, with a young Japanese woman named Saki Morimi visitingWashington D.C. as part of her graduation trip. When she gets into trouble, a mysterious Japanese man, who introduces himself as Akira Takizawa, helps her through it. The man appears to have no memory and is completely naked, carrying only a gun and a cell phone charged with 8.2 billion yen in digital money.While they are coming back to Japan, they learn that a new missile has hit their country.
Akira discovers that his phone is part of a game and that he himself is one of the participants. The game consists of twelve individuals, dubbed Seleção, who are given 10 billion yen to save Japan. The Seleção are able to use the phone operator, Juiz, to fulfill any kind of order for a price. However if the money is used up completely or for selfish purposes, the individual will be eliminated. As the series progresses, Akira discovers that one of the Seleção was the one who ordered missiles to be fired in Japan and the reason he erased his own memories was linked to Careless Monday. The same Seleção member decides to launch missiles towards Japan again but is intercepted by Akira who orders missiles to intercept the incoming missiles. Akira decides that the only way to save Japan is to lead it and uses his money to crown himself as the King of Japan and erase his own memory.
The show is ripe with symbolism, such as the use of the word johnnies and the many references to movies.


Teito Klein is a former slave who now attends the Barsburg Empire's military academy due to his ability to use Zaiphon, a type of supernatural power. The ability is rare and thus highly prized. Teito is an amnesiac and doesn't remember anything of his past, but he has recurring and often traumatizing dreams in which he sees a grand church or castle and a familiar but unknown man.
After a year at the academy, Teito prepares to take the notoriously difficult graduation exam. The night before the exam, Teito and his best (and only) friend, Mikage, swear they will never abandon each other if either needs help. Both of them pass the exam. The next day, Teito hears people talking about him; stopping to listen, he suddenly realizes that the speaker, Chief of Staff Ayanami, is the person who killed the familiar man in his dreams, who is his father and the king of the destroyed Raggs Kingdom. Teito is found eavesdropping and tries to attack his father's murderer but is quickly brought down by one of Ayanami's subordinates and sent to prison. Mikage comes to help him escape, only to find that Teito has managed to fight past the guards by himself. The two flee the building but are cornered on a balcony. Teito pretends to hold Mikage hostage, threatening to kill him if the guards pursue him, and thus makes his escape, though he is wounded by a Zaiphon blast that Ayanami directs at him. Three bishops in the nearby 7th District discover the injured Teito and take him to the 7th District church to recuperate. Because of the 7th District's law of sanctuary, as long as Teito stays in the church, the army cannot arrest him.
In due time, it is discovered that Teito carries the Eye of Mikhail, a powerful talisman for which his home country, the Raggs Kingdom, was destroyed. This fact, as well as his fateful reunion with Mikage, catapults Teito into a quest for revenge against the Barsburg Empire and for knowledge about his past. At the same time, his status as the bearer of the Eye of Mikhail throws him into the long-standing conflict between the evil Verloren and his enemies, the 07 Ghosts.


Zaiphon is the "magic" of 07-Ghosts's world. Zaiphon is the ability to convert life energy into various forms of power. Zaiphon is controlled by converting strong emotions into energy, and the power that comes from Zaiphon often takes the shape of words, though people may use weapons to channel Zaiphon. Those who have the ability to use Zaiphon are rare and thought to be blessed by God. Every user's capabilities are different, and in many cases, reflect their nature. Zaiphon is generally categorized into three types:
  • Healing Zaiphon: People with healing Zaiphon are able to heal wounds and share or transfer their Zaiphon to others. Characters who primarily use healing Zaiphon are Labrador, Assistant Archbishop Bastien, Ouka, and Capella.
  • Offensive Zaiphon: People with offensive Zaiphon can attack enemies and protect themselves from attacks directed at them. Characters who primarily use offensive Zaiphon are Teito, Mikage, Ayanami, Hakuren, Frau, and Cappella.
  • Manipulation Zaiphon: People with manipulation Zaiphon (which is particularly rare) can move other objects at will. Castor uses this type of Zaiphon.
It is possible to learn to use more than one version of Zaiphon; however, people who can successfully do so are few and far between.
There is a variety of weapons used to manipulate Zaiphon, the most common being the bascule. With the bascule, people can channel their Zaiphon and use it to attack Kor. Different types of Zaiphon have different effects when used through a bascule: those with healing Zaiphon cannot directly attack a Kor, but they can restrict and remove Kor from afflicted people. Those with offensive Zaiphon can directly attack Kor.